
Элементы 291-300 из 2282

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  1. Лицензия Juniper S-MPC9E-IR

    EAN: 15100
    Per slot license to support full scale L3 route and up to 32 L3 VPN instances on MX2K-MPC9E. This license only allows upgrade from MX2K-MPC9E base model
    GPL Price:

    240000 $

    107 712 000,00 KZT
  2. Лицензия Juniper S-MPC9E-IR-ADD4

    EAN: 15101
    License to enable additional 4x100G (or 6x40G/24x10G) ports on restricted use MX2K-MPC9E-IRB w/MIC-MRATE (Line Card and MIC(s) soldseparately)
    GPL Price:

    241250 $

    108 273 000,00 KZT
  3. Лицензия Juniper S-MPC9E-PVQ

    EAN: 15102
    Per slot license to support 32K total queues on MX2K-MPC9E. Applicable to MX2K-MPC9E, MX2K-MPC9E-IRB and MX2K-MPC9E-RB.
    GPL Price:

    115000 $

    51 612 000,00 KZT
  4. Лицензия Juniper S-MPC9E-R

    EAN: 15103
    Per slot license to support full scale L3 route and L3 VPN features on MX2K-MPC9E. To upgrade MX2K-MPC9E to MX2K-MPC9E-RB mode two licenses have to be purchased - one S-MX2K-MPC9E-IR and one S-MX2K-MPC9E-R.
    GPL Price:

    235000 $

    105 468 000,00 KZT
  5. Лицензия Juniper S-MPC9E-R-ADD4

    EAN: 15104
    License to enable additional 4x100G (or 6x40G/24x10G) ports on restricted use MX2K-MPC9E-RB w/MIC-MRATE (Line Card and MIC(s) sold separately)
    GPL Price:

    300000 $

    134 640 000,00 KZT
  6. Лицензия Juniper S-MPC9E-RTU-IR

    EAN: 15105
    Per slot license to support full scale L3 route and up to 32 L3 VPN instances on MX2K-MPC9E-RTU. This license only allows upgrade from MX2K-MPC9E-RTU base model
    GPL Price:

    60000 $

    26 928 000,00 KZT
  7. Лицензия Juniper S-MPC9E-RTU-R

    EAN: 15106
    Per slot license to support full scale L3 route and L3 VPN features on MX2K-MPC9E-RTU. To upgrade MX2K-MPC9E-RTU to MX2K-MPC9E-RTU-RB mode two licenses have to be purchased - one S-MPC9E-RTU-IR and one S-MPC9E-RTU-R.
    GPL Price:

    58750 $

    26 367 000,00 KZT
  8. Лицензия Juniper S-MPC9EQ

    EAN: 15107
    Per slot license to upgrade from MX2K-MPC9E to MX2K-MPC9EQ to support 512K queues per slot.
    GPL Price:

    275000 $

    123 420 000,00 KZT
  9. Лицензия Juniper S-MPC9EQ-IR

    EAN: 15108
    Per slot license to support full L3 route scale and up to 32 L3 VPN instances on MX2K-MPC9EQ-B. This license only allows upgrade from MX2K-MPC9EQ-B bundle
    GPL Price:

    310000 $

    139 128 000,00 KZT
  10. Лицензия Juniper S-MPC9EQ-R

    EAN: 15109
    Per slot license to support full L3 route scale and L3 VPN features on MX2K-MPC9EQ-B. To upgrade MX2K-MPC9EQ-B to MX2K-MPC9EQ-RB mode two licenses have to be purchased - one S-MX2K-MPC9EQ-IR and one S-MX2K-MPC9EQ-R.
    GPL Price:

    310000 $

    139 128 000,00 KZT

Элементы 291-300 из 2282

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Лицензии, программное обеспечение, подписки на обновления и т. д. услуги являются неотъемлемой частью аппаратного обеспечения сетевого оборудования. Вы можете обновить свое устройство с помощью различных лицензий, повысить производительность, защитить свою сеть с помощью антивирусных баз данных и обновлений сигнатур.

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