
Элементы 381-390 из 2282

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  1. Лицензия Juniper S-VRR-15-1

    EAN: 15190
    Virtual Route Reflector Software Base Instance. Right to install an instance of Junos 15.1 or lower release version of vRR on a sing le VM. All address families supported
    GPL Price:

    60000 $

    26 928 000,00 KZT
  2. Лицензия Juniper S-VRR-15-1-M

    EAN: 15191
    Right to install an instance of 15.1 or lower release version vRR on a single VM. (medium instance) - All address families supported . - Max 8 million total RIB routes
    GPL Price:

    25000 $

    11 220 000,00 KZT
  3. Лицензия Juniper S-VRR-15-1-S

    EAN: 15192
    Right to install an instance of 15.1 or lower release version vRR on a single VM. (medium instance) - All address families supported . - Max 2 million total RIB routes
    GPL Price:

    10000 $

    4 488 000,00 KZT
  4. Лицензия Juniper S-VRR-R-13-3

    EAN: 15193
    Right to install an instance of 13.3 vRR in redundant mode where it controls the same set of clients. (redundant mode is driven by c onfiguration.)
    GPL Price:

    30000 $

    13 464 000,00 KZT
  5. Лицензия Juniper S-VRR-R-14-1

    EAN: 15194
    Right to install an instance of 14.1 vRR in redundant mode where it controls the same set of clients. (redundant mode is driven by c onfiguration.)
    GPL Price:

    30000 $

    13 464 000,00 KZT
  6. Лицензия Juniper S-VRR-R-14-2

    EAN: 15195
    Right to install an instance of 14.2 or lower relese version vRR in redundant mode where it controls the same set of clients. (redun dant mode is driven by configuration.)
    GPL Price:

    30000 $

    13 464 000,00 KZT
  7. Лицензия Juniper S-VRR-R-14-2-M

    EAN: 15196
    Right to install an instance of 14.2 or lower relese version vRR in redundant mode where it controls the same set of clients. (redun dant mode is driven by configuration.) - All address families supported. - Max 8 million total RIB routes
    GPL Price:

    12500 $

    5 610 000,00 KZT
  8. Лицензия Juniper S-VRR-R-14-2-S

    EAN: 15197
    Right to install an instance of 14.2 or lower relese version vRR in redundant mode where it controls the same set of clients. (redun dant mode is driven by configuration.) - All address families supported. - Max 1 million total RIB routes
    GPL Price:

    5000 $

    2 244 000,00 KZT
  9. Лицензия Juniper S-VRR-R-15-1

    EAN: 15198
    Virtual Route Reflector Software Redundant Instance Right to install an instance of Junos 15.1 or a lower release version of vRR ima ge in redundant mode where it controls the same set of clients (redundant mode is driven by configuration)
    GPL Price:

    30000 $

    13 464 000,00 KZT
  10. Лицензия Juniper S-VRR-R-15-1-M

    EAN: 15199
    Right to install an instance of 15.1 or lower relese version vRR in redundant mode where it controls the same set of clients. (redun dant mode is driven by configuration.) - All address families supported. - Max 8 million total RIB routes
    GPL Price:

    12500 $

    5 610 000,00 KZT

Элементы 381-390 из 2282

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