
Элементы 441-450 из 2282

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  1. Лицензия Juniper SPOT-CC-5400-3Y

    EAN: 15250
    Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 3 Year Subscription for 1 SRX5400 (Includes entitlement for 3Y to Spotlight Secure Connector)
    GPL Price:

    47999 $

    21 541 951,20 KZT
  2. Лицензия Juniper SPOT-CC-5400-5Y

    EAN: 15251
    Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 5 Year Subscription for 1 SRX5400 (Includes entitlement for 5Y to Spotlight Secure Connector)
    GPL Price:

    76999 $

    34 557 151,20 KZT
  3. Лицензия Juniper SPOT-CC-550-1Y

    EAN: 15252
    Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 1 Year Subscription for 1 SRX550 (Includes entitlement for 1Y to Spotlight Secure Connector)
    GPL Price:

    899 $

    403 471,20 KZT
  4. Лицензия Juniper SPOT-CC-550-3Y

    EAN: 15253
    Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 3 Year Subscription for 1 SRX550 (Includes entitlement for 3Y to Spotlight Secure Connector)
    GPL Price:

    2399 $

    1 076 671,20 KZT
  5. Лицензия Juniper SPOT-CC-550-5Y

    EAN: 15254
    Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 5 Year Subscription for 1 SRX550 (Includes entitlement for 5Y to Spotlight Secure Connector)
    GPL Price:

    3899 $

    1 749 871,20 KZT
  6. Лицензия Juniper SPOT-CC-5600-1Y

    EAN: 15255
    Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 1 Year Subscription for 1 SRX5600 (Includes entitlement for 1Y to Spotlight Secure Connector)
    GPL Price:

    49999 $

    22 439 551,20 KZT
  7. Лицензия Juniper SPOT-CC-5600-3Y

    EAN: 15256
    Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 3 Year Subscription for 1 SRX5600 (Includes entitlement for 3Y to Spotlight Secure Connector)
    GPL Price:

    134999 $

    60 587 551,20 KZT
  8. Лицензия Juniper SPOT-CC-5600-5Y

    EAN: 15257
    Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 5 Year Subscription for 1 SRX5600 (Includes entitlement for 5Y to Spotlight Secure Connector)
    GPL Price:

    199999 $

    89 759 551,20 KZT
  9. Лицензия Juniper SPOT-CC-5800-1Y

    EAN: 15258
    Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 1 Year Subscription for 1 SRX5800 (Includes entitlement for 1Y to Spotlight Secure Connector)
    GPL Price:

    79999 $

    35 903 551,20 KZT
  10. Лицензия Juniper SPOT-CC-5800-3Y

    EAN: 15259
    Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 3 Year Subscription for 1 SRX5800 (Includes entitlement for 3Y to Spotlight Secure Connector)
    GPL Price:

    209999 $

    94 247 551,20 KZT

Элементы 441-450 из 2282

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