
Элементы 531-540 из 846

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  1. Коммутатор Extreme 200-Series (220-48t-10GE4)

    EAN: 12827
    220 Series 48 port 10/100/1000BASE-T, 4 10GbE unpopulated SFP+ ports (2 LRM Capable), 1 Fixed AC PSU, 1 RPS port, L2 Switching with RIP and Static Routes, 1 country-specific power cord
    GPL Price:

    1995 $

    842 688,00 KZT
  2. Коммутатор Extreme 200-Series (220-48p-10GE4)

    EAN: 12828
    220 Series 48 port 10/100/1000BASE-T PoE+ (370W), 4 10GbE unpopulated SFP+ ports (2 LRM Capable), 1 Fixed AC PSU, 1 RPS port, L2 Switching with RIP and Static Routes, 1 country-specific power cord
    GPL Price:

    2995 $

    1 265 088,00 KZT
  3. Коммутатор Extreme Summit X480-48t

    EAN: 12829
    48 10/100/1000BASE-T, 4 100/1000BASE-X unpopulated SFP (shared), No PSU with two unpopulated PSU slots, one VIM2 slot, ExtremeXOS Advanced Edge license
    GPL Price:

    9995 $

    3 271 963,20 KZT
  4. Коммутатор Extreme Summit X480-48t-TAA

    EAN: 12830
    48 10/100/1000BASE-T, 4 100/1000BASE-X unpopulated SFP (shared), No PSU with two unpopulated PSU slots, one VIM2 slot, ExtremeXOS Advanced Edge license, Trade Agreement Compliant model.
    GPL Price:

    10995 $

    3 599 323,20 KZT
  5. Коммутатор Extreme Summit X480-48x

    EAN: 12833
    48 100/1000BASE-X unpopulated SFP, No PSU with two unpopulated PSU slots, one VIM2 slot, ExtremeXOS Advanced Edge license
    GPL Price:

    14995 $

    4 908 763,20 KZT
  6. Коммутатор Extreme Summit X480-48x-TAA

    EAN: 12834
    48 100/1000BASE-X unpopulated SFP, No PSU with two unpopulated PSU slots, one VIM2 slot, ExtremeXOS Advanced Edge license, Trade Agreement Compliant model.
    GPL Price:

    16495 $

    5 399 803,20 KZT
  7. Коммутатор Extreme Summit X670V-48t-FB-AC

    EAN: 12839
    48 10GBASE-T, 4 10GBASE-X (unpopulated and shared with 4 ports of the 48GBase-T ports), one VIM4 slot (unpopulated), ExtremeXOS Advanced Edge License, 2 Front-to-Back 550W AC power supplies, Front-to-Back airflow fans
    GPL Price:

    25995 $

    7 548 948,00 KZT
  8. Коммутатор Extreme Summit X670V-48t-BF-AC

    EAN: 12840
    48 10GBASE-T , 4 10GBASE-X (unpopulated and shared with 4 ports of the 48 10GBase-T ports), one VIM4 slot (unpopulated), ExtremeXOS Advanced Edge License, 2 Back-to-Front 550W AC power supplies, Back-to-Front airflow fans
    GPL Price:

    25995 $

    7 548 948,00 KZT
  9. Коммутатор Extreme Summit X670V-48t-FB-DC

    EAN: 12841
    48 10GBASE-T , 4 10GBASE-X (unpopulated and shared with 4 ports of the 48 10GBase-T ports), one VIM4 slot (unpopulated), ExtremeXOS Advanced Edge License, 2 Front-to-Back 550W DC power supplies, Front-to-Back airflow fans
    GPL Price:

    26395 $

    7 665 108,00 KZT
  10. Коммутатор Extreme Summit X670V-48t-BF-DC

    EAN: 12842
    48 10GBASE-T , 4 10GBASE-X (unpopulated and shared with 4 ports of the 48 10GBase-T ports), one VIM4 slot (unpopulated), ExtremeXOS Advanced Edge License, 2 Back-to-Front 550W DC power supplies, Back-to-Front airflow fans
    GPL Price:

    26395 $

    7 665 108,00 KZT

Элементы 531-540 из 846

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